Zum vierten Mal in Folge nahm ein 10. Jahrgang der Baltic-Schule an einem Sprachintensivkurs Englisch teil. Dazu reisten 5 native speaker der English in Action Company an, die zusammen mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern in die englische Sprache eintauchten. Stattfinden konnte das Ganze  nur durch die großzügige finanzielle Unterstützung der Michael-Haukohl-Stiftung, der Gemeinnützigen Sparkassenstiftung und des Schulvereins der Baltic-Schule. Lesen Sie zwei Erfahrungsberichte von Teilnehmerinnen. In English, of course.

English in Action is an amazing project. The 10th grade was divided into five groups. Every group had their own native English speaking teachers teaching them for a whole week.

That wasn’t as exhausting as it sounds. We actually had a great time meeting people from other classes and collecting awesome experiences. Although we did some exam practice we also played fun games, prepared role plays and had discussions in English. Not only we had to work in a large group, but also we had to prepare a five minute presentation in small groups according to a certain topic from the list. At the end of the week we presented our presentations to the class. All of our outcomes were excellent.

Overall that week was an awesome opportunity to gain some vocabulary by speaking to some native speakers. I definitely have noticed a difference in my confidence when speaking English. In summary that week was a complete success!

by Ela, 10a

„This week was filled with excitement as we had English in Action. It was a refreshing change from our usual classes, and I found it extremely helpful. English in Action gave us the chance to learn more intensively and in a fun way.

During the week, we had engaging discussions and played several games that helped us practice our English skills. It was a great way to improve our speaking and listening abilities. I especially enjoyed the group activities where we had to work together to complete tasks in English. It was a fantastic opportunity to bond with my classmates and learn from each other.

I believe that English in Action should be a regular part of our curriculum for the next few years. It not only helps us improve our language skills, but it also makes learning much more enjoyable. I can’t wait to see what other activities we will have in the future.

Overall, this week was a great success. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to having more English in Action classes in the future. Thank you, teachers, for making learning a language so much fun!“

by Helin, 10a